Archives : The Dodd Research Center UCONN
Bob Staake, author & illustrator
The Bodleian Library Publishing
Diane Muldrow, author, and editorial director at Golden Books/Random House
The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art
Eric Sturdevant : “Fun All Around”, Illustrator (This is his blog)
Justin G. Schiller & Dennis M. V. David, specialists in rare and collectible children’s books
Kage Glantz/Ken Chowder, writer
HarperCollinsChildrens, publishing
Leonard Marcus, historian, author, critic
Mark Burstein, editor
Martin Salisbury, professor, illustrator and author
Orecchio Acerbo editore
Random House & Golden Books, publishing
Simon & Schuster, publishing

You can see a collection of illustrations posted by his grandchild Nanami Weisgard, on Instagram: Leonard_Weisgard
We are collecting links with on-line articles about Leonard Weisgard’s work.
Blog links and on-line articles are most welcome. Please send to
Literary Hub: 20 Artists’ Visions of Alice in Wonderland:
“If I picked a color to describe Leonard Weisgard I think I would choose gold; as his books are treasures”
How The ‘Goodnight Moon’ Author And Collaborator Revolutionized Kids Books
“In Minders of Make: Idealists, Entrepreneurs, and the Shaping of American Children’s Literature (Houghton Mifflin, 2008), Leonard Marcus writes, “To those who worked in the children’s book industry of the early 1940’s, New York could seem as small as a fairy-tale village.” By the 1950’s and early 1960’s, many writers, illustrators, and editors of the children’s book world had moved to my corner of Connecticut, trading one fairy-tale setting for another. Renowned illustrator Leonard Weisgard was among them. Although I didn’t know until Saturday that he had lived nearby, Weisgard’s books were a staple of my childhood.”
Slice of Life: The Art of Leonard Weisgard
The Quiet Noisy Book: A Little-Known Vintage Gem by Margaret Wise Brown
“A tender celebration of curiosity, presence, and attentiveness to the world in its most delicate and delightful details.”
Abby, Christina and Ethan want to thank:
The amazing team at The Eric Carle : Executive Director Alexandra Kennedy, Chief Curator Ellen Keiter, Director of Development Rebecca Miller Goggins, Collection Manager & Registrar Erica Jacob, Rights & Permissions Kristin Angel, Retail Manager Eliza Brown.
Eric and Bobbie Carle for creating such an important, beautiful museum dedicated to children’s book art. We are proud and grateful to be a part of it.
Our family and friends for their support and encouragement. Special thanks to Kage Glantz for his words and friendship.
Peter Roos for incredible support, expertise and heartwarming devotion to keeping Leonard’s work alive and thriving.
Diane Muldrow for her dedicated work with THE GOLDEN BOOKS.
We’d like to acknowledge our great debt to Leonard Marcus, who has been an incredible help in the years since our father’s death. He was the one to connect us to The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. Thanks to Leonard Marcus and the museum, our father’s artwork will be seen and studied far into the future.
A thousand thanks deserve to be given to Nick Clark, Founding Director and Curator Emeritus of The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. for his professionalism, knowledge, and days spent in Copenhagen sorting through our father’s archives.
Thanks to Leslie Paisley, Department Head, Conservator of Paper.Williamstown Art Conservation Center. Leslie Paisley is overseeing all the conservation work on Leonard Weisgard’s art at The Carle.
Thanks to Justin Schiller and Dennis M V David for their enthusiasm and help structuring the work process.
Special thanks to Dr. Samuel Fanous, Head of Publishing at The Bodleian Library, for his love and deep insight into the world of children’s books and for bringing Whale’s Way and Penguin’s Way back to life!
To former curator for The University of Connecticut Libraries, Terri Goldich – for making it all happen – the fact that much of our father’s artwork has found a home at The Dodd Research Center where it is now organized, professionally taken care of, and made available for research projects brings us such happiness.
Thank you, Vice Provost Martha Bedard, Assistant Kristin Jones and Archivist Kristin Eshelman for continuing Terri’s great work.