“Something about the Author Series Vol. 19”
Suki, the Siamese Pussy, Thomas Nelson, 1937.

Illustration from Suki, the Siamese Pussy,
Thomas Nelson, 1937
(Reteller) Cinderella, Garden City Publishing Co., 1939.
Whose Little Bird Am I?, Crowell, 1944.
(With Esther W. Reno) Pick the Vegetables, Lothrop, 1944.
Would You Like to Be a Monkey?, Crowell, 1945.
Down Huckleberry Hill, Scribner, 1947.
Pelican Here, Pelican There, Scribner, 1948.
(Under pseudonym Adam Green) The Funny Bunny Factory, Grosset & Dunlap, 1950.
Who Dreams of Cheese?, Scribner, 1950.

From Who Dreams of Cheese?
Written & illustrated by Leonard Weisgard
Scribner 1950
Let’s Play, World Publishing, 1951.

Illustration from Mr. Peaceable Paints,
Scribner, 1956
The Clean Pig, Scribner, 1952.
Let’s Play Train, Treasure Books, 1953.
My First Picture Book, Grosset & Dunlap, 1953.
Silly Willy Nilly, Scribner, 1953.

Illustration from Silly Willy Nilly,
Scribner, 1953.
Just Like Me, Treasure Books, 1954.
Baby’s Playthings, McCloughlin, 1956.
The Most Beautiful Tree in the World,
Wonder Books, 1956.
Mr. Peaceable Paints, Scribner, 1956.
Treasures to See: A Museum Picture Book, Harcourt, 1956.
The Athenians in the Classical Period, Coward, 1963.
The First Farmers in the New Stone Age,
Coward, 1966.
The Plymouth Thanksgiving, Doubleday, 1967.
The Beginnings of Cities: Recreation in Pictures and Text of Mesopotamian Life from Farming to Early City Buildings, Coward, 1968.